•As part of the "Environmental Governance Program" implemented by the United Nations Development Program with the support of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the CSS carried out a gender assessment of the employment and workplace criteria in the mining sector.
•National Journalist Empowerment Program was implemented with the funding from Oyu Tolgoi LLC in 2020-2022. Under the programme, journalists had 4 phases of the trainings/study tours. Between June 14-24, 202 travelled the 6 journalists to Canada and attended the PDAC 2022.
•Between November 2021 – March 2022, CSS conducted the study on Methods of socio-economic impact assessment of the mining sector in Mongolia as part of the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)-funded project “Capacity Development in the Minerals Sector of Mongolia II”.
•October 2021 – June 2022, CSS worked with GIZ's “Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training” project on the Creation of media and knowledge contents.
•Open Society Forum on “Transparency of procurement of state-owned mining companies with the share of the national and subnational public ownership”, CSS reviewed the newly drafted law on Transparency of state procurement.
•CSS has implemented "Supporting Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)" project in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia as part of the Australia-Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP). Under the project, CSS has developed a manual for public participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and to improve cooperation between stakeholders, along with a consulting service for organizing e-learning courses.
•Since November 2021, the CSS has been acting as the independent secretary of the Tripartite Council o Khanbogd soum for the next 3 years.
•National Journalist Empowerment Program was implemented with the funding from Oyu Tolgoi LLC in 2020-2022. Under the programme, journalists had 4 phases of the trainings/study tours. Between June 14-24, 202 travelled the 6 journalists to Canada and attended the PDAC 2022.

•October 2021 – June 2022, CSS worked with GIZ's “Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training” project on the Creation of media and knowledge contents.
•Open Society Forum on “Transparency of procurement of state-owned mining companies with the share of the national and subnational public ownership”, CSS reviewed the newly drafted law on Transparency of state procurement.
•CSS has implemented "Supporting Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)" project in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia as part of the Australia-Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP). Under the project, CSS has developed a manual for public participation in Environmental Impact Assessment and to improve cooperation between stakeholders, along with a consulting service for organizing e-learning courses.
•Since November 2021, the CSS has been acting as the independent secretary of the Tripartite Council o Khanbogd soum for the next 3 years.