

"Environmental Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Participation" manual developed

5-08-2022, 12:20
The CSS developed a manual on public participation in environmental impact assessment and improving collaboration between stakeholders and conducted online training.
The activity has been implemented as part of a “Ensuring public participation in environmental impact assessment (EIA)" project commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism under the Australia-Mongolia Extractives Program (AMEP), jointly implemented by the Government of Mongolia and the Government of Australia.The CSS team organized a training session on "Environmental Impact Assessment and Stakeholders' Participation" for Departments of Environment and Tourism, Citizens' Representative Meetings, sums, and team governors in Khentii, Uvurkhangai, and Sukhbaatar provinces. “Environmental Impact Assessment and Stakeholder Participation" manual was distributed to all participants as well as governments of all soums in these three provinces.скачать dle 12.0