

31-08-2022, 13:45


•As part of the "Environmental Governance Program" implemented by the United Nations Development Program with the support of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the CSS carried out a gender assessment of the employment and workplace criteria in the mining sector. […]

31-12-2021, 12:20


CSS has worked with the GIZ-funded “Cooperative Technical and Vocational Education and Training” (cTVET) project on the capturing success stories of TVET graduates in Polytechnical college in Umnugobi province. The CSS has developed content on the vocational education value, […]

31-12-2020, 02:39


By the commission of the project “New Tech, New Deal” implemented by the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD), Intergovernmental Forum on mining, metals and sustainable development (IGF), Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment (CCSI), Shared mining […]

31-12-2020, 02:37


CSS partnered with International Finance Corporation (IFC) funded "Disclosure To Development (D2D) Mongolia" program on: •Detailed analysis on the data related to mining revenues and how they are distributed to local areas, what they are spent on based on the example of Ummugobi […]

31-12-2018, 02:36


Organized tailor-made and comprehensive Sustainable Development and CSR training courses for the management and officers of mining companies and broader stakeholder […]

31-12-2017, 02:34


Organized the “Introduction of Community Development Agreement and Mining Legislation” training for mining companies and local stakeholders in Ulaanbaatar, Selenge, Uvurkhangai, Bayankhongor and Uvs aimags with Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry; […]

31-12-2015, 02:37


Regularly organized and hosted roundtable meetings for CSR, community relations and sustainable development specialists of Mongolian mining companies; […]